For the past 34 years I have been touring the globe in pursuit of powerboat racing images.

During that time I have built up an extensive library covering all aspects of this exhilarating, often dangerous, adrenaline fuelled motorsport.

If you would like to use my services, or images from my library please get in touch via the contact form.

Offshore Racing.

Offshore Racing.

Here is a small selection of images taken at the Cowes Torquay Cowes Powerboat Race, the main event at the British Powerboat Festival.
Circuit Racing

Circuit Racing

From 2012 to 2020 I worked with the UIM Formula 2 Teams Association providing their photographic service and supplying their press releases covering the UIM Formula 2 Powerboat World Championship.
ZapCat Racing

ZapCat Racing

Historical Offshore Racing.

Historical Offshore Racing.

In this section you will find a selection of offshore racing photographs including shots taken at my very first race, the 1997 Needles Trophy Race along with some taken at the last ever Class One powerboat race that took place in Monaco back in 1990. Also included are shots from the Pro-Vee Offshore series, Class 1, Powerboat P1 and various Cowes-Torquay-Cowes races.
Historical Circuit Racing

Historical Circuit Racing

Having photographed powerboat circuit racing since 1992, I now have a huge library of images from various championships and Grand Prix events.
Published Work

Published Work

In this section I have displayed a small selection of work that I have had published by magazines.